How to use calendar blocking (time-blocking) to stay organized
How to Use Calendar Blocking to Stay Organized

Do you know about calendar blocking (aka time blocking)?  It is about blocking specific time for certain events, tasks, and activities by scheduling it on your calendar. This is done suitably for both personal and business tasks. Time management is…

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Get Past the Point of Being a Stagnant Startup

The startup culture is filled with entrepreneurs who are unable to successfully net a profit. Why does this happen? The thing is this: many startup entrepreneurs are unaware of the path or methods to best shift their business from one…

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How to Virtually Recruit New Employees

Believe it or not, filling new positions within a company does not require that a training team and the new employee report to the office. COVID-19 has proved that there are ways to turn businesses into virtual powerhouses. COVID quarantines…

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